A Scott's Journey

The random mumblings of a Scott as he travels through life's wicked turns and twists.

Location: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Well I have been inspired, so to speak, to blog....Not so much by anyone event in life as much by the number of individual blogs that I have read and enjoyed. The last of these by my good friend in Tacoma was the final push I needed to start my own. Jenny after her long trip with her husband (my roommate from college) took a trip to Ireland with her "sweetiebear" and now I blame her for the need to write. So if you find the tired old drones of this blog not to your liking you can blame her. (you can find her blog at http://growingoldernotup.blogspot.com/).

Now in that last paragraph I noted that Jenny's husband was my old roommate in college, but its funny how once they are married off they then become so and so's husband....They are no longer introduced as my old roommate. Hmmm...Interesting that my first affiliation with Kevin(now the husband) no longer finds its way into the introductions until it is noted that first and foremost he is Jenny's husband. But I digress. Kevin and I have many many fond memories of Guinness and late night pasta makings with D&D and Vampires haunting our dreams. Curt our other roommate (who is not married andthereforer not introduced as someone's husband) never fully appreciated the art of gaming but still managed to participate while laughing at us out the side of his mouth.

Its funny how we find ourselves reflecting in such a public manner as a blog. So where to begin what to say! Well lets do a short background check without having to delve into to much history and stories but at least to give some sort of bearing on who and what this is all about. Names Jay, been kicking around this old planet now for all of 26 (almost 27) years. I am blessed to be married to a wonderful OLDER woman who is not only my wife but my best friend. Her name is Chenoah; we have two lovely red headed children with wagging tails. Yes that's right they are dogs, Golden Retrievers, the best kind! (In my humble opinion) Lovers and not fighters great for kids and grownups alike! Sunny Girl and Sir Humphrey Bogart (Sunny and Bo) are now 3 years old. No human children (yet) but I'm sure they will show up sooner or later.

Well off to piping practice..We'll talk about that another time.



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