A Scott's Journey

The random mumblings of a Scott as he travels through life's wicked turns and twists.

Location: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Friday, July 15, 2005


Tests suck. They are up in the category of mean people. Unfortunately there are times when you can’t avoid tests though. Anyways I just got done with part 1 of a very difficult exam. Part 2 is tomorrow and then life may return to some sort of normalcy, if there is such a thing. But its not like life hasn’t been moving forward while I have been studying for this exam .

For instance we sold our house moved out and moved in with my parents for a BRIEF amount of time. We bought a house which closes at the end of the month and there are always the little details that must be taken care of while that is happening. Now I love to house shop, especially if we get to look at NEW houses. We ended up buying a used home but we love it. It’s in the perfect little neighborhood and it’s HUGE. We’ll stretch the finances for a bit but it will be worth it in the long run.

I also have this little thing called work nagging for my time and attention. Who would have thought that running a business would require time and effort! The nerve….

Then there is bagpipe practice. Now this is something I love so much that it rarely if ever annoys me to have to do. Now it may be annoying to those around me at times but it is my own little world of bliss. I love the pipes, playing and listening to them. I could sit (and have) for hours and listen to them. Sigh….

Then there is the most important thing, my wife and two dogs. In that order (hi honey). Balancing all the activates (golf, chamber, rotary, optimist, bag piping, basketball) and also trying to maintain a marriage can be challenging at times, but she does take priority! I have the blessing of being married to my best friend. We love to travel, read, play games, go wine tasting etc. It’s great to know there is always someone there. Speaking of which I had better get home and have dinner before I get in trouble.

Another long day tomorrow, I’ll report on the exam and weekend with friends sometime next week.



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