A Scott's Journey

The random mumblings of a Scott as he travels through life's wicked turns and twists.

Location: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I had a rather odd question posed to me. "So has life returned to normal?" in reference to having had a child and the turmoil of the weeks following...I must say that I don't think there has ever been a stage in my life that I would have considered normal in any conventional sense except maybe at the macro level. So lets see...We wake up every 1 to 3 hours in the night to change diaper feed rock back to sleep and pray that this time is one of the 3 hour stretches. We love our son dearly and therefore really have no complaint about the schedule, but that doesn't mean we don't look forward to sleeping through the night again. Going to the grocery store poses new challenges and one of our favorite past times of going out to eat is nearly non-existent for multiple reasons. We have a constant stream of blessed family and friends who shower us with their presence and, most gratefully, their help around the house or cooking a meal. Without this support I'm sure by now Chenoah and I would be at the end of our rope. But as is we are quite content with our little tike and are plowing ahead into the world of parenthood which is at times a little scary.

So if normal is being thrilled about the color of your babies poop or happy when he burps relieved when he sleeps(cause that means you sleep) but you can't wait for him to be awake, having no real schedule of any sorts and wondering what day it is today then I'd say we are completely normal.

Chenoah has begun to explore the fascinating new machine that her friend from work gave her. The breast pump. The idea that she gets to sleep an 8 hour stretch is very exciting for her.

Well I probably have plenty of work I should be doing. Till later then



Blogger Lena said...

Sounds completely normal to me.

And the first time when Elijah sleeps more than 6 hours you'll be standing guard because you can't sleep any longer.

Enjoy, enjoy and remember.

2:55 AM  

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