A Scott's Journey

The random mumblings of a Scott as he travels through life's wicked turns and twists.

Location: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Baby is Moving!

So I could feel the baby kicking for the first time on Monday morning when we went to the doctor. We had a slight scare as Chenoah was measuring a bit bigger than she should at our doctor's appointment but it turned out Elijah is just a bigger baby. Not abnormal just a bit bigger. 2lbs and some odd 0unces at 24.5 weeks. Very strong heartbeat and everything seems to be moving ahead as normal. Been having a bit of trouble sleeping through the night lately. For multiple reasons I’m sure. First being that I'm scared of finances. Come the end of March if I don't see a drastic turn around in my business I'm probably going to look for another job. I need to be able to support us in our home and provide benefits and all that jazz and at our current level of spending and entertainment it just doesn't seem like it will be possible. I pray that the Lord would show me the window that he has opened cause right now the room looks pretty locked up tight and I see no way out. Everyone keeps saying...don't worry about it things will be fine. And I’m sure they will be, and I need to have faith but it seems a bit difficult right now. Well I should try to sleep again its 3am and I am unable at the moment to relax. I started looking at the classifieds...no good can come from this. Cheers, Jay


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